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Maillu: I influenced Ngugi’s decision to write in Gikuyu
Maillu, who refers to himself as the president of African Spirituality, says that 'Ka, the Holy Book of Neter', is the African answer to the Bible.

Festivals on the continent are a chance “for Africa to embrace its identity and for writers and readers to connect to each other."

For many, the idea that men can be victims of workplace harassment or domestic violence is far-fetched. Despite evidence proving otherwise, men often don’t report these incidents.

More women are standing up to be counted through creative writing. Women are reclaiming the roles they played in pre-independent Africa, which have since been obscured in historical archives.

Judging from the excitement at the book fair, gone are the days when children with special needs were rejected and treated as outcasts.

The inescapable consequences of forced migration have taken a heavy toll on Africa and the diaspora that continues to be felt in the twenty-first century.

From storytelling to reading books, drawing to painting, singing to dancing, and even puppet shows to learning how to drum, the kids could not contain their excitement.